Sunday, March 4, 2007

Back in LA (Sarah)

This past week was one of the best weeks I can remember. We worked hard, played hard, and put blood, sweat, and even a few tears into the house!! One week was not enough for me to be down there. I could have stayed another month. I knew the experience would change me, but I am actually shocked that it has changed my mentality to the degree it has.

First off I would like to say that I am so proud of each one of the 15 people that went down from Deutsch. All 15 of us worked so hard, and I heard very little complaining. Most of us are comming back with bruises, sore forearms, battered thumbs, and a new respect for how hard construction is. Each one of these 15 people are amazing, and I feel like I am a better person for meeting each one of them. Colleen, Craig, and I were were prepping the house for siding, and Craig pointed out how impressed he was that there was a very limited amount of estrogen considering 13 of the 15 people were women. We all worked so well together, and smiled and laughed our way through it.

We finally finished the roof on Friday morning. The last few shingles and nails were a great accomlishment. Megan, our supervisior, said she was shocked how fast we worked, and didnt think we would get any where near to siding the house, BUT we actually started siding on Friday after lunch. During the lunch break we ran into a sheriff from the town at the local crawfish shop. He told us he just got approved for a house from habitat. He lost everything in the storm. He and his wife (who also happens to have a brain tumor) were in the process of adopting a child and they had to put it off because they have no home. When we said how sorry we were for him, he replied "oh no, dont be sorry it's okay, we will be okay becuase of people like you who come down and help". I cant imgaine losing everything and having the high spirits that these people have. This man has faced more hardships in the last 2 years than I could ever imagine, and he was still smiling. These people are so strong!

Leaving the house on Friday I was extremely sad. I wanted to stay, I wanted to do more. One week was NOT enough. There is so much that needs to be done, and I dont think I have done enough. I would love to go to Alabama and help with relief efforts there from the tornado that hit Thursday. Maybe I will be a Megan, and go back to Mississippi in a month and not come back to L.A. All I know is that this will not be the last of my habitat experiences.

I hope that the memories and inspiration of the people in Biloxi does not fade fast. I want to remember their strories and their strength. This experience will last forever. Thank you Kathleen and Colleen for organizig this trip.


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